A private school in Brentwood, TN, Currey Ingram Academy offers students a well-rounded educational experience for lifelong success.
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If you are currently trying to decide between private schools in Brentwood, TN, you’ll be pleased to know that many focus on your child as a whole. After all, young minds are much more than the product of what they learn in the classroom. For an overall better learning experience, look for a school that puts your child’s social-emotional learning skills on the same pedestal as their ability to do algebra.
Currey Ingram Academy is one of the premier boarding schools in the South and offers an exceptional and individualized learning experience to students. We support those with academic differences, including ADHD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia, and executive function challenges. Today, we take a quick look at what boarding is like for our Upper School students.
Executive functioning skills are learned and refined throughout childhood. For children with ADHD and other learning differences, executive function disorder can hinder their abilities to thrive in a fast-paced society. For this reason, parents and educators are encouraged to understand executive functioning skills, why they matter, and how to empower young minds to grasp vital capabilities.
ADHD is often thought of as a problem for boys. However, girls can get ADHD, too. ADHD boarding schools offer services to both boys and girls, and most educators encourage parents to know the signs and potential challenges associated with ADHD.