So, what is dyslexia? “Dys” means difficulty and “lexia” means “with words.” A child with dyslexia has difficulty reading words accurately and fluently.
I know my child is smart, but it takes him hours to complete even simple tasks. Just getting dressed in the morning can take triple the time of his little brother. Homework is also a huge problem. The teacher says he should be able to complete an assignment in 15 minutes, and it will often take him an hour to complete it.
If your child has difficulty getting organized, managing his/her time, remembering things, doing homework or finishing projects, he/she may have executive function deficits. Executive Function (EF) plays a crucial role in becoming a successful person at school and in life. When EF skills are strong, students will have greater academic success, better self-regulation skills, and better peer relations. EF skills are cognitive skills used to analyze tasks, break down steps, understand what is read, and solve multi-step problems.