Currey Ingram Blog

Learning Differences

Written by Currey Ingram Academy | Jun 16, 2021 1:08:00 PM


Each student has a unique learning profile that reflects his or her particular strengths, weaknesses, and affinities. To realize their full potential, they should be in a school that considers how students learn, and tailors its teaching methods to meet their learning profile.
Some parents might discover that their child has learning differences as they progress through school. These learning differences should be addressed as soon as possible.

Q: What are learning differences?

A: Learning differences refer to challenges individuals face in learning and developing certain skills for at least six months. Learning differences can include:

- Dyslexia. This refers to the difficulty with reading. Students often have trouble identifying letters or words.
- Dysgraphia. This refers to an individual’s struggle with writing - specifically, poor spelling and grammar. Students with dysgraphia have poor handwriting even if they don’t have trouble with other fine motor skills.
- Dyscalculia. This refers to the poor understanding of numbers, such as their magnitude or their relationship with one another.

Students can have difficulty with just one of these facets or with all three. These are considered specific learning differences because they are not due to a lack of intelligence or desire to learn. These are also not due to environmental factors, such as not being taught to read, write, or do math.

Learning differences are usually identified during the school-aged years, when a child’s skills can be assessed and fall below what is expected of them at their age. With the right teaching methods, students can master all of these skills.

Q: My child might have these learning differences. How can I get help?

A: The first step is to have your child assessed professionally. While friends and family members might dispense well-meaning advice and recommendations, it’s best to have the evaluation done by a learning expert. After all, your child’s future is at stake. This can give you an idea of the extent of your child’s learning differences, enabling you to map out an effective course of action.

Q: Should I enroll my child in a boarding school?

Of course, you can find tutors to help your child overcome their learning differences from the comfort of your home, but a boarding school provides the environment, the individualized attention, and the 24/7 support they need to thrive and succeed in life.

An exemplary boarding school in the South, Currey Ingram Academy aims to be the global leader for students with learning differences. By promoting strengths and supporting differences, students receive the education they truly deserve.

“Having participated as students or parents at so many top academic institutions, it is striking that none of these schools surpasses Currey Ingram in the quality of its academic programs. Part of this is due to the outstanding system of evaluations, metrics, and tailoring of programs to meet each student's needs,” a parent shares.

Get in touch or schedule a tour to learn more about Currey Ingram Academy today.

Currey Ingram Academy is a boarding school in the South that supports and empowers students with learning differences to achieve their fullest potential - academically and socially - within an environment that fosters holistic student development. Get in touch by calling (615) 507-3173.